Department Chair,
Assistant Professor
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: balcaarda.com
Aesthetics, Art Theory, Arts and Activism, Migration, Borders, and Mobility, Visual Social Media, Political Thought, Philosophy of Communication.
Balca Arda is an Assistant Professor in the Visual Communication Design Department of Kadir Has University. She received her Ph.D. degree in Political Science -Politics of Aesthetics at York University with her dissertation “The Sublime in Contemporary Art and Politics: The Post 9/11 Art of Middle Eastern Diaspora in North America” She also holds M.A. degree in Politics- Oppositional Art from Boğazici University, an M.A. degree in Digital Arts from London University of the Arts and B.A. in Political Science form Boğazici University. Dr. Arda’s primary research interests are visual culture, oppositional art, and political thought. Besides her academic work, her artworks were exhibited in Toronto, London, and Istanbul.
Galatasaray High Shool ( Lycée de Galatasaray) (Istanbul, Turkey)
B.A. in Political Science, Boğazici University (Istanbul, Turkey)
M.A. in Digital Arts, London University of the Arts (London, UK)
M.A. in Political Science, Boğazici University (Istanbul, Turkey)
Ph.D. in Political Science, York University, (Toronto, Canada)
(2018- current) Assistant Professor, Kadir Has University, Faculty of Communication, Visual Communication Design
(2017) Resident Visual Artist, Community Art Program, PWA - Toronto
(2010-2016) Teaching Assistant, York University, Department of Politics - Toronto
(2008-2010) Artist Resident, Borusan Artcenter – Istanbul
(2002 – current) Founder and Art director of “Davetsiz Misafir”, A Journal of Politics, Philosophy, Science Fiction and Comics (available online in Turkish at www.davetsizmisafir.org)
(2003 – 2010) Movie critic and Illustrator for Altyazı, Turkey’s monthly independent cinema journal
- Arda, Balca (2023) “Political Engagement through Visual Mediation”. International Journal of Communication.
Project: Management Commitee Membership Cost Action Project- CA21141: Grassroots of Digital Europe: from Historic Contemporary Cultures of Creative Computing - Arda, Balca. March 2021. “Ephemeral Social Media Visuals and Their Picturesque Design: Interaction and User Experience on Instagram Stories”. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies journal. Article Doi: 10.2478/ausfm-2021-0010
- Arda, Balca. March 2021. “Görsellik ve Hakikat: Türkiye’deki Suriyelilere Dair Sosyal Medya Görsel Paylaşımlarında Hakikat Üretim Pratikleri”(Visuality and the Truth: Practices of Knowledge Making on Syrians in Turkey through Social Media). Ki Dergisi (Culture and Communication Journal). Article Doi: https://doi.org/10.18691/kulturveiletisim.770227
- Arda, Balca & Akdemir, Ayşegül. January 2021. “Activist communication design on social media: The case of online solidarity against forced Islamic lifestyle” at Media, Culture & Society. Article Doi: 10.1177/0163443720986002
- Arda, Balca. 2020. “Border Imagery and Migrant Abjection in Contemporary Art: “Ableism in the Artistic Representations of Refugee”. In Vildan and (Ed.)Communication of Migration in Media and Arts by Transnational Press London
- (In Turkish) Arda, Balca. 2020. “Abdülcanbaz'ın Çizgi Roman Yazınındaki Duruşu” (“Abdulcanbaz’s stance in the literature of Graphic Novel”). In Halim Şafak (Ed.) Turhan Selçuk’un Sanatı (Turhan Selçuk’s Art). Milas: Milas Belediyesi Yayınları.
- Arda, Balca. January 2020. “Cinematic Visual Representation of the Refugee Journey in Turkey in the Context of Precarious Class Dynamics”. Migration Letters
- Arda, B. (2019). Contemporary Art on the Current Refugee Crisis: The Problematic of Aesthetics versus Ethics. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 46(2), 310-327.
- Arda, B. (2017). Self -Image Making of the Diasporic Artists:" The Sousveillance Strategies in the Diasporic Art of Middle Eastern Diaspora". Mashriq&Mahjar, 4(1), 119-140.
- Arda, B. (2015). The Construction of a New Sociality through Social Media. Conjunctions. Transdisciplinary Journal of Cultural Participation, 2(1), 72-99.
- (In Turkish) Arda, Balca (2015) “Mad Max ve Tomorrowland: Distopyanın Bittiği Ütopyanın Başladığı Yer”( Mad Max and Tomorrowland: Where dystopia ends and utopia starts). Davetsiz Misafir Journal
- (In Turkish) Arda, Balca (2016) “Nostaljik Seyrin Kayıp Nesnesi: Yıldız Savaşları VII / Güç Uyanıyor (Star Wars VII / The Force Awakens)”. Davetsiz Misafir Journal Arda, B. (2014). Viral Pictures as a Tool of Resistance. In APSA 2014 Annual Meeting Paper.
- Arda, Balca. 2015. “Apolitical is Political”. Interface: a journal for and about social movements, Special issue: Movement Practice(s) edited by Cal Andrews, Laurence Cox, Lesley Wood. 7 (1): 9 -18.
- Arda, Balca. December 2019. “Border Imagery and Migrant Abjection in Contemporary Art: “Ableism in the Artistic Representations of Refugee”. Communication of Migration in Media and Arts by Transnational Press London
2022 “OCULUS”, Kadir Has University Department of Visual Communication Design end-of-year exhibition, CoBAC Workspace, Istanbul-Academic Supervisor
2018 “Öteberi”, Filmix Art Group, Exhibition Curator Project 04 MayFest at Bilgi University
2017 “This Is Not Art Therapy”, Public Art Exhibit, People With Aids Foundation (PWA), Toronto
2015 “The Rope”, Cedar Ridge Gallery, Toronto
2014 “Contemporary Istanbul”, Art Fair, Istanbul
2014 “Reflex”, Galeri MCRD, Istanbul
2014 “The Quest”, Galeri MCRD, Istanbul
2014 “The Art Galleria Expo”, Cube, Queen St - Toronto
2013 “Chapullers in Toronto”, Beit Zatoun, Toronto
2010 “Mind Models”, Artcenter, Istanbul
2019 Performance Studies International Dwight Conqueergood Award
2013 – 2015 York University Faculty of Graduate Studies Fieldwork Grant
2013 – 2015 York University Faculty of Graduate Studies Research Fellowship