Assist. Prof.
E-mail: [email protected]
Digitalization of society, new media, aesthetic theory, design and ethics, ecology, and the philosophy of science and technology
Emre Sünter is a graduate of the philosophy department at the University of Galatasaray. He holds a master’s degree in philosophy from the University of Paris Nanterre, having received the prestigious excellence grant from the French government. In 2021, he successfully completed his Ph.D. in Communication Studies at the University of Montreal, with his thesis titled “For an Echology of Microbe-Artworks: Thinking in between Art and Science”. This work earned him a place on the Chancellor’s Honor List at the university. Additionally, Sünter has translated Deleuze and Guattari’s seminal book “Mille plateaux,” which will soon be published by Norgunk publishing house. Through his multifaceted investigations, Sünter aims to bridge the gaps between disciplines and advance our understanding of the complex relationships between technology, culture, and the environment.
B.A. in Philosophy, Galatasaray University (Istanbul, Turkey)
M.A. in Philosophy, Paris Nanterre University (Paris, France)
Ph.D. in Communication, University of Montreal (Montreal, Canada)
(2023-Current) Assistant Professor, Kadir Has University, Faculty of Communication, Visual Communication Design
(2022) Lecturer, Maltepe University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Graphic Design
(2014-2020) Lecturer, University of Montreal, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Communication
(2013-2014) Teaching Assistant, University of Kemerburgaz (Altinbas), Faculty of Social Sciences, Social Sciences
Sünter, E. (2023), “Interview with Brian Massumi: From the Ecology of Powers to an Aesthetics of Earth”. Theory, Culture & Society, 39(6). https://doi.org/10.1177/02632764221146413
Sünter, E (2023). “What Do We Hear When We Hear Microbe-Sounds?”. Pulse: the Journal of Science and Culture, 9(1)
Sünter, E. (2022), “Manufacturing Life Through Science and Art Interaction: Gu neş-Helen Isitan’s Hybridities: Almost Other”. Nanoethics (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11569-022-00412-3
Sünter, E. (2022), “Bir Aktivizm Felsefesi İçin Dört Önerme”, Varlık Dergisi, Ag ustos, ISSN 1300-1728-0-0, pp.19-24.
Sünter, E. (2016), “Deleuze’ün Minör Suç Ortakları: Tarde, Simondon, Ruyer”, Cogito, no: 82, Winter, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, ISSN 1300-2880, ss.198-230.
Rector’s Honor List for the Dissertation (2021), University of Montreal
Graduate Dissertation Completion Scholarship (2018-2019), University of Montreal, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
Thesis Writing Grant (2016-2017), University of Montreal, Montreal, Department of Communication Studies
Conference Travel Grant (2016), University of Montreal, Montreal, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
Tuition Waiver (2014-2017), University of Montreal, Montreal, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
Excellence Scholarship (2014-2015), University of Montreal, Montreal, Department of Communication Studies
Distinguished Honor Student (2013), Middle East Technical University, Ankara, PhD in Sociology
Travel Grant (2012), American National Science Foundation – USA, The Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Copenhagen
Travel Grant (2012), The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) – Buenos Aires, Second Forum of International Association of Sociology
Summer School Grant (2011), Summer European Molecular Biology Laboratory– Heidelberg
Excellence Scholarship (2008-2009), French Government – Paris, M.A. in Paris Nanterre University